#BlogItForward With Wayfair

Every so often, I go out of my way to give back. I often think that I am very fortunate in life given that I have a loving, caring family, a roof over my head, food in my cupboard and those close to me are in good health however I know many people around me are not in my situation and are not as fortunate as me. Recently I was thrilled to be tagged by Sally Akins in the WayFair in the #BlogItForward challenge.

Wayfair have challenged bloggers to #BlogItForward by doing a good deed and then blogging about it. For every blogger who participates they will donate £50 to Habitat for Humanity. The challenge finishes on the 31st of January so if you want to get involved, please make sure you take part in the challenge before then - sharing is caring.

So how did I blog it forward? I decided to send care packages to people that needed them that had very little at Christmas and into the New Year. I looked for people on Facebook to send these packages to. The people I sent the packages to all explained their situations to me and I felt they all needed some love and a little help the most. In total I sent 3 care packages which I think all the families benefited from. I sent one package to one family which included  Christmas presents. I sent one package which included a few toys for a little boy who had very little at Christmas and I sent another family a small chocolate gift in the New Year due to the fact they needed some cheering up.


For this challenge, I did not go out of my way to spend a lot of money. I used stuff from our present cupboard that I had accumulated for free either through wins or promotional products from places like So Post. I used coupons to get good deals on things to make them a few pounds to buy and I used gift cards to buy little bits here and there that I had saved over the course of the year but I did not have use for at Christmas.

Recently I have found that you can give very little to people but that little can brighten someone's day when they are at their lowest. A small gift can mean a lot - even if that gift is just worth £3. As a family we do not have a lot but I like to think if I was in a tough situation, someone would come and help me. I hope that those I helped will be able to help someone else in a few years to come when their situation improves.

I am now tagging Sarah at Life In A Breakdown and Rebecca at Mum Of  A Premature Baby to #blogitforward. I would love it, if any of my readers joined in to. If you decide to join in, please leave me a message below. I would love to read your posts.

1 comment

  1. Your thoughts on doing for others are so very sweet. I think these ideas from Wayfair are totally doable.


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