Bargain Hunting #26

Its that time of year where it gets dark at 4pm, the nights and days are cold and bills can get expensive because you are trying to keep warm, however I have some money saving tips this week to keep the bills low.

Keep the thermostat down
Last year we managed to run up a large heating bill because we left the heating on day and night. This year we are going to be a lot more money savvy. This year we have decided we will keep rooms like the lounge warm in the day time and turn the radiators off in the bedrooms and at night not put the heating on at all unless it is very cold. We will also leave the thermostat on at 20 degrees instead of putting it up high. If you turn your thermostat down by just 1 degree you could slash your heating bills by 10%. 

Find out what you are entitled to
Insulating your home can make a lot of difference. If you are able to keep your home warm it means you are able to save a lot of money on bills. Loft and cavity wall insulation can help you keep warm. There are grants available from gas/electricity companies and you may find you are eligible for free insulation especially if you are on low income. Ring up your provider to see what they may be able to offer.

Add layers
Last winter I spent a lot of my time walking around in a T-shirt as the heating was on a lot. This year I will be wrapping up warm, turning the heating off and I will be wearing 3 or 4 layers. You can start off with laying with vests, t shirts and then go on to warm jumpers.

Go out and keep warm
Instead of sitting in all day worrying about the energy you are using why not go out? There are plenty of places which will be warm this year that are free to go to. You could take the children to a local play group for a few hours, take the window shopping at the local shopping centre, take them to the library or even take them to the park for a run about.  

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