I personally love milkshake and so does Ben. Unfortunately Maxwell is a bit too small to drink them but I'm sure he will be a fan when he is old enough.
When receiving the milkshakes they have a unique identity which i think is great! The label is bright with a picture of a cow on and is very easy to read! The colour of the milkshake compliments the labels colour.
Many milkshakes i have tried in the past have been made with skimmed milk and then thickened - not Shaken Udder! Shaken Udders milkshakes are made with Fresh British Milk and real ingredients.
The milkshakes are made up with no artificial colours, flavors or preservatives and are very low in fat. The milkshakes are great as they are a good source of calcium not only that but they include less than 5% added sugar. The milkshakes are also gluten free.
I tried all the milkshakes and by far can say the vanilla is my favourite. I love vanilla milkshake but i find it hard to buy it when we go shopping in our local supermarkets.
When drinking the milkshake the texture wasn't thick it was very light and creamy, most milkshakes leave me thirsty however there are very refreshing. This milkshake also was very smooth with no bits in it. The milkshake all have a different identity but in all the milkshakes you are able to taste the nice creamy milk then on the other side you are able to taste the natural ingredient.
I would rate Shaken Udder milkshakes 5/5!
You are able to find Shaken Udder over on there website
Also you can head over to there Twitter page or there Facebook page.
Shaken Udder are also offering people a special discount at the moment!
If you are heading to any festivals and Shaken Udder are attending too you will be able to get a discount if you say "undercover udder" when you order. You are able to find out what festivals they will be attending here.
I did not receive any financial
reward for writing this review. However we did receive the product for
review purposes.
Everything written in this post is my own, honest
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